Caught in the Act!
Cylas, Bladen, and Hayli helped their teacher take down and create a new bulletin board!
Caught in the Act!
Jaliyah offered to help her teacher put all the chromebooks away! Thanks Jaliyah!
Caught in the Act!
Audrey, Gavin, Mackenzie, and Bryson helped load and unload all the water for Grandparents day!
Fifth Grade Cadets of the Month!
Fourth Grade Cadets of the Month!
Third Grade Cadets of the Month!
Second Grade Cadets of the Month!
First Grade Cadets of the Month!
Kindergarten Cadets of the Month!
Preschool Cadet of the Month!
Caught in the Act!
Blake and Ashton organized all the cards that were used in our game!
Caught in the Act!
Brycen cleaned up and organized Chromebook cases on the shelves!
Breakfast with the Bunny this Saturday!
Caught in the Act!
Nick made a good decision during library. He moved away from others so he could read quietly.
Caught in the Act!
Emma cleaned up for others so we would not be late for music class. Thank you, Emma! 😊
Caught in the Act!
Kyrie cleaned up trash during lunch without being asked!
Caught in the Act!
Zach held up the 2nd grade line so a staff member and repairman could get through. Way to go, Zach!
A huge thank you to the Washington County Board of Developmental Disabilities! They purchased a copy of the book, "You are Enough" for every first grader and visited Beverly-Center to be a guest reader. Thank you for your support!
Caught in the Act!
Lydia gave up a set of headphones and got a second pair to help a classmate in need!
Father (Friend) & Daughter Luau!
Students will be bringing home this flyer tomorrow.