Set up a "Youth Booth" at the Beverly/Waterford Farmer's Market!

Field Day is Thursday, May 23! Here are more details about the day!

May Cadets of the Month in 5th Grade!

May Cadets of the Month in 4th Grade!

May Cadets of the Month in 3rd Grade!

May Cadets of the Month in 2nd Grade!

May Cadets of the Month in 1st Grade!

May Cadets of the Month in Kindergarten!

April Cadets of the Month in 5th Grade!

April Cadets of the Month in 4th Grade!

April Cadets of the Month in 3rd Grade!

April Cadets of the Month in 2nd Grade!

April Cadets of the Month in 1st Grade!

April Cadets of the Month in Kindergarten!

Caught in the Act!
Clive picked up everyone’s scraps off the floor.

Caught in the Act!
Kyler sharpened pencils and emptied the sharpener without being asked!

Caught in the Act!
They kiddos all worked great with a partner, followed directions, and used kind words to each other. What a great way to start the day!

Caught in the Act!
Zach, Averie, Mia, and Vada offered to be extra clean-up helpers in the cafeteria.

Caught in the Act!
Wyatt unstacked several chairs for his classmates one morning.

Caught in the Act!
Graham asks at the end of every day how he can help. Today he helped a student get packed up.