Caught in the Act!
Vivian and Arihauna helped clean up the cafeteria after the younger kids had a 100 days celebration. Thank you ladies!

Caught in the Act!
Vivian and Maddie helped a classmate clean up their area!

Caught in the Act!
Mia held the door for her classmates without being asked!

Caught in the Act!
Sadie and Lincoln were awesome PAX leaders at lunch!

ELA Curriculum Adoption Meeting: Evening Meeting for Families

Give 10 School Supply Drive Sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary Unit 389

Attention ALL Senior Citizens! You are invited to our Senior Citizen Prom this Friday, February 16 at Fort Frye High School from 1-2:30 p.m.! There will be dancing, games, refreshments and more! Please join us and bring a friend!

Bright Beginnings Preschool Enrollment Applications are now available for the 2024-2025 school year! To apply you can go to the Ohio Valley Educational Service Center website and either submit the application online or print a hard copy.

Caught in the Act!
Caught in the Act of being super learners this afternoon! Nice job Taven and Clayton!

Caught in the Act!
Ada asked a sad classmate to sit beside her and told him she would be his friend.

ELA Curriculum Adoption Meeting

Caught in the Act!
Sophie helped a classmate pack up.

Caught in the Act!
Keira put away supplies for a classmate.

Caught in the Act!
Adalynn helped someone clean up their spilled milk.

Caught in the Act! Adlee and Clayton were awesome lunch leaders today in the cafeteria!

Caught in the Act!
Thank you Evie, Bristol, and Nora for being a friend and a giving a helping hand!

Fifth Grade Cadets of the Month!

Fourth Grade Cadets of the Month!

Third Grade Cadets of the Month!

Second Grade Cadets of the Month!