Thank you Mrs. Bohlen for spending the morning at Beverly-Center’s Community Safety Day talking to us about medicine safety!

Thank you to the Beverly Police Department for spending the morning at Beverly-Center’s Community Safety Day!

Thank you to the Beverly Volunteer Rescue Squad for spending the morning at Beverly-Center’s Community Safety Day!

September Fifth Grade Students of the Month!

September Fourth Grade Students of the Month!

September Third Grade Students of the Month!

September Second Grade Students of the Month!

September First Grade Students of the Month!

September Kindergarten Students of the Month!

September Preschool Student of the Month!

Back by popular demand...Pepperoni Rollers! All orders are due next Monday, October 17!

"Blue Up" tomorrow for National Stop Bullying Day!

Fort Frye Alumni Veterans...please send your information for the 2022 slideshow!

October Birthdays!

Make sure to attend Trunk or Treat on October 31!

Beverly-Center Elementary students all take the "See It, Say It, Stop It" pledge!

October Cadet Connection

Need help ordering school pictures online? Here are directions!.

Picture retakes October 6!

In the Spotlight!
Thank you Mia, Sydney, and Mackenzie for volunteering to hang our Faces of the Future posters in the cafeteria and for finishing getting chromebook cases ready to go home!