Students Against Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Club Assembly helps students to
See It, Say it, Stop It!
ACT stands for Acknowledge, Care, Tell!

FFMS Families,
Reminder we are being dismissed an hour early today.
I send an email to everyone about funding for our Cadet Store and Reward Days. We are in need of some support.
Attached is the Friday Focus- Go Cadets!

Fort Frye Lady Cadets Final Four

Dear Middle School Families,
I can hardly believe it’s already the last day of February! This school year is flying by, and it’s incredible to see how much our students have grown and accomplished in just a few short months.
As we head into March, I want to thank you for your continued support and partnership. There are many exciting events and learning opportunities ahead, and I look forward to seeing our students continue to thrive.
Attached, you’ll find this week’s Friday Focus, which includes important updates and upcoming events. As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Wishing you a great end to the week!

Happy Friday!
We have a lot going on this evening! Our 8th graders are playing for the championship in the Washington County tournament. Good luck players and cheerleaders. We also have a formal from 8pm-10pm at Beverly Center Gym. The cost is $8 and that includes a drink and snack.
You will notice on Thursday of next week we have a violence training planned for all students. Ohio public K-12 public schools are required to offer all students age-appropriate education on preventing sexual and dating abuse and violence. I have attached a letter explaining it and an opt out if you wish.
I have also attached the Friday Focus! Have a good weekend and Go Cadets!

Happy Valentine's Day FFMS families!
Interim reports have been posted. Check infinite campus for your child's updated grades. School will not be in session on Monday due to President's Day.
Conferences are scheduled for Thursday February 20th. To schedule a conference with your child's teacher(s), call Kelli Walsh at 740-984-2376 ext. 1230
Also, please note that the time for winter formal has changed because of the JH boys basketball tournament. Formal will now be from 8pm-10pm on Friday February 21st so students can attend both the championship games and winter formal!
Go Cadets!

FFMS families,
We had a busy day of testing on Wednesday and our students did a fabulous job. We take an assessment called MAP in both reading and math. We give it 3 times throughout the year.
These assessments measure growth over time, compare results to similar results across the nation and project proficiency for year-end summative tests. Teachers use the results to guide their instruction. I am very proud of how hard the students worked!
Have a great weekend and GO CADETS!

FFMS Families,
I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your generous donations of games for indoor recess. We are working on creating totes for each grade level are are still accepting donations. We have such a caring community and I really do appreciate your support!
A couple things to note on the Friday Focus: The 2nd payment of $175 for the 8th grade Washington DC trip is due next Friday (Feb. 7th).
Fort Frye Middle School will have it's Winter Formal on February 21st from 6pm-8pm at BC gym. The cost is $8.
Go Cadets!

As you may know, this year has brought an exceptional number of indoor recess days. While we do our best to keep students engaged and entertained, we could use your help to make indoor recess even better!
We are asking for donations of new or gently used board games, card games, and other activities that will help keep our students engaged during recess. Games like UNO and similar options are especially popular among the kids.
If you’re able to contribute, please send your donation to the middle school office. We truly appreciate your generosity in helping make recess more fun for everyone!
Thank you for your continued support of our students and school community.

Happy Friday FFMS families! It was really nice to get a full week in at school. I have attached the Friday Focus. A few things to note : 8th grade families- the next deposit of $175 for the DC trip is due on Feb. 7th. Also, winter formal is scheduled for February 21st. We have a 3 day weekend due to Martin Luther King Day. Enjoy your weekend and GO CADETS!

Join the challenge!

I hope everyone has enjoyed an extra long Christmas break. I'm hoping to see you everyone on Monday :) I have attached the Friday Focus.

Register for Engineering Day!

Please help us share the following job posting for an afternoon custodian position at Fort Frye High School and Fort Frye Middle School.

The Washington County Health Department partnered with the 7th grade Fort Frye Wellness Class to create posters about the environmental impact of vaping. The posters will be presented at Community Day on Friday.

Liz Ullman, a PA student at Marietta College, presented about the effects of E cigarettes and vaping to our 8th grade students.

The 7th grade wellness class participated in a campus clean-up led by Addison Holcomb, intern from the Washington County Health Department. The classes have focused on the environmental impacts of vaping.

Fort Frye Middle School 7th grade wellness class received shirts and books from the Washington County
Health Department. The students wrote letters to local legislatures about the environmental impact of vaping.

Happy Friday!
It's been a great Start with Hello week. Start with Hello is a bullying prevention program we use at Fort Frye Local Schools. We have had some very meaningful conversations this week.
The Friday Focus is attached as well as information about Box Tops. The middle school PTO set up a box top account! It is extremely easy and you don't have to cut anymore. It's a great way to raise money for our school.
Parent teacher conferences are next Thursday. We do not send conference papers home with students as papers rarely make it home. It's easy to set up a conference with a teacher or a group of teachers. Call Kelli Walsh at 740-984-2376 ext. 1230 or email her at kelli.walsh@fortfrye.org and she will get you scheduled.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Fort Frye Local School District is seeking a School Treasurer. Please help us spread the word!