Caught in the Act!
Loralei is a great helper and role model for her classmates. Thank you, Loralei!

Caught in the Act!
These three ladies helped their teacher put together new indoor recess games! Thanks, ladies!!

Pepperoni Rollers Delivery Next Week!

UPDATED!!! I missed a few kiddos and they are now all added to the list. Look at all of these students who had PERFECT attendance during the first nine weeks! Great job everyone!

November Menu

November Birthdays!

November Cadet Connection

Fifth Grade Cadets of the Month!

Fourth Grade Cadets of the Month!

Third Grade Cadets of the Month!

Second Grade Cadets of the Month!

First Grade Cadets of the Month!

Kindergarten Cadets of the Month!

Preschool Cadet of the Month!

Here are a few quick reminders about our fall parties and dance tomorrow!

Thank you to the American Legion Auxiliary Post 389 for once again sponsoring a Reading is Fundamental Fall Book Give-a-Way!

Caught in the Act!
Ben had a great group of friends that helped him pick up his stuff from his art box after he dropped it.

Caught in the Act!
Graham got caught making positive comments to students about their projects. Great job, Graham!

A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Becky and Mrs. Lynn for making National School Lunch Week last week a big success!!!

Join the second quarter distance challenge!