Reminder, tomorrow, Sept. 16, is a 2 hour delay.
Fort Frye Local School District is seeking a School Treasurer. Please help us spread the word!
Next week, Sept 16-20, is SPIRIT WEEK. Join in the fun.
Fourth graders were problem solving today in math class using their place value skills.
Please consider joining us!
Kindergarten worked very hard on their problem solving tubs today creating and building. What a great day!
COVID guidelines have changed this year. We are now treating it like a respiratory illness. The Ohio Department of Health recommends we follow CDC guidelines. These recommended guidelines say:
They should be 24 hours fever free without the use of fever-reducing medication (ibuprofen, tylenol, etc) AND
Symptoms should be improving
It is recommended that when they return, they wear a mask, but again not required.
Therefore, we will not be using the COVID Exempt code this year. Instead it will be parent excused days or medical excused days if they have a note from a doctors office. Below is the link to the CDC website where the information can be found.
Just a reminder that the fall mum pick up is tomorrow, September 6 from 4:00 until 4:30. You will come to the back of the parking lot in the grassy area. We thank you all for helping to make this a great fundraiser.
The 4th grade students were practicing using science tools appropriately.
During Science class the 5th graders are learning how to investigate making models.
Fort Frye athletics now has a new FB page. Stay up to date by viewing this site.
Thank you, Salem- Liberty PTO, for the popsicles. They were a great treat for a hot day.
Here is the September Newsletter Information. Just a reminder we DO NOT have school on Monday, Sept 2 due to Labor Day. All students will return on the 3rd. I hope you have a super weekend and enjoy the extra time off.
Deputy Tullius and Dexter welcome back the fourth grade.
The second day of learning is going great at Salem- Liberty. Have a great weekend with your kiddos!
Here is the September menu
Reminder, tonight is open house 5:30-6:30. You will be able to put money on your child’s lunch account if you would want to do so. Hope to see you there!
Athletic season passes are now available. Prices for passes are as follows Student $55, Senior Citizen $55, Adult $100, Family $230.
Visit the Fort Frye High School Website: FORT FRYE.HOMETOWNTICKETING.COM
August Menu
Salem-Liberty PTO will be meeting on Wednesday, August 7 @ 6 p.m. in the cafeteria. We will discuss fundraisers and events for the upcoming school year. We hope you all can attend.