Campus Martius was a huge success! Today third grade learned about Ohio wildlife, did weaving projects, made candles, toured the Putnam house, and explored the rest of the museum.
First grade fun at Salem- Liberty!
Beverly-Center, Lowell and Salem- Liberty 5th Grade parents and guardians!
Attention 5th grade parents and guardians, Mr. Border and Mrs. Hill have met with each student to find their best fit instrument. Students should have brought home a paper about the beginning band. Please review those papers with your students and return them no later than May 10th. We need them back whether your child wants to be in band or not. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Mr. Border or Mrs. Hill. Thanks and as always Go Cadets!
Just a reminder that all 3rd-5th graders will be Math state testing tomorrow and Wednesday. Please remind your student to get a good night's rest and to take his or her time on the test. THEY CAN ROCK IT!
Here are the May Newsletter, birthdays and menu. I cannot believe we are almost at the end of the year. With this being said, there are a TON of events going to be taking place. Be sure to take note in regards to all of these end of the year activities. Have a super day!
Kindergarten took a field trip to the post office today. Plus, they took a stop at the park for some exercise and a picnic lunch. They had a great trip!
Just a reminder that all 3rd-5th graders will be state testing tomorrow and Wednesday. Please remind your student to get a good night's rest and to take his or her time on the test. THEY CAN DO IT!!!!
Salem-Liberty had a fruit and veggie challenge today during lunch. Any child who ate all of his or her fruit or veggies while at lunch was entered into a drawing. The K-5 winner would get a whole bag of fruit and veggies to take home. This event is sponsored by the Fort Frye local wellness committee and carried out by wellness coordinator, Megan Lang. Today's winner was Cabe Connell. Congratulations!
Fifth grade science class is experiencing refraction of light.
Second grade planted sunflower seeds, explored a nature trail, searched for bugs, made their own salad (that they got to eat!), and even took turns participating in a mock auction today on their field trip. Thank you, Chesterhill auction.
Students rotate stations today to learn about the solar eclipse. Thank you volunteers for helping.
Reminder there is a scheduled two-hour early dismissal tomorrow, Monday, April 8. We will let out at 2:00. Thank you!
Salem-Liberty PTO meeting will be held Tuesday night, April 9 at 6 o'clock. Let's hope the third time works.
Update: Fort Frye Local Schools will be closed on Thursday, April 4, 2024.
Thank you and be safe.
Fort Frye is running on a two hour delay on Thursday, April 4, 2024.
Once again, the PTO meeting for tonight has been changed to tomorrow night (Thursday) due to flooding and no school today. Thanks and stay safe everyone.
Tonight's PTO meeting (4-2-24) has been changed to tomorrow night (4-3-24). It will start at 6:00 in the cafeteria. Hope to see you there.
Reminder, school resumes tomorrow. In addition, we have a PTO meeting at 6:00 in the cafeteria. Hope to see you there.
Casey Mercer from Washington County board of developmental disabilities read to first grade about inclusion of all. Students were read a book called You are Enough and given a copy to keep. Thank you, WCBDD.